Red Cloud Featured in New York Times as a Nonprofit Worth Supporting

posted December 9, 2014

Earlier this year, Pulitzer Prize winning authors and New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn released their book, A Path Appears: Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity. The critically acclaimed book has been described as "ambitious in scale: nothing less than a sweeping tapestry of people who are using research, evidence-based strategies, and brilliant ideas to make the world a better place."

In the book, Kristof and Wudunn describe Red Cloud Indian School as a 'bright spot on the reservation' and 'an example of a charity that is treating not just symptoms but also the underlying causes."

This holiday season, Kristof released his yearly Gifts That Inspire guide of nonprofits that are worth supporting. And this year, Red Cloud Indian School has been featured as one of the seven charities that he believes are truly making a difference.

You can support Red Cloud Indian School by

Making a Gift to the School, or

Purchasing Authentic Native Art and Supporting Artists

Kristof writes:
"Red Cloud Indian School is a private Lakota and Jesuit K-12 school educating 600 children on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. On a reservation notorious for alcoholism, unemployment and poverty, the Red Cloud school... is a beacon of hope."

"Students volunteer on the reservation, and they go on to some of the best universities in the country, returning as leaders. The school accepts donations and full-time volunteers, and it also sells holiday gifts on its website — including nifty earrings and bracelets made out of porcupine quills, for $18 and up."