Wačháŋtognaka: Young Lakota Leaders of Change

Deep poverty and high rates of addiction and suicide remain a reality on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. In South Dakota’s Oglala Lakota County, where the reservation sits, life expectancy is the lowest in the United States. And statewide, the high school graduation rate for Native American students is less than 50 percent. 

The graduates of Red Cloud Indian School are determined to be a force for change. 

  • Over 95 percent go on to pursue post-secondary education.
  • With hard work, they’ve earned millions in college scholarships to help cover the cost of tuition.
  • And they dream of returning to the reservation to provide quality health care, spur economic development, and create hope and opportunity for their people. 

Red Cloud graduates are living examples of the Lakota virtue of Wačháŋtognaka, or living generously and with compassion.  

Be a part of their story. Support the next generation of Lakota leaders.



Honoring History: Indigenous Peoples' Day


Red Cloud's Food Sovereignty Initiative: Meet an Intern!


Building Community Around Food: Red Cloud's Weekly Farmer's Market


Celebrating Native Tourism


Working Toward Justice: Truth & Healing at Red Cloud